Artificial Intelligence, the Blue Ocean of the Education Industry

2022 EdTech Trend Report : 5 EdTech keywords you can’t ignore
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Mar 17, 2022
Artificial Intelligence, the Blue Ocean of the Education Industry

Currently, CLASSUM is interested in exploring changes in the Edtech industry. CLASSUM carefully analyzed and selected five trending keywords. The first keyword is Artificial Intelligence, also known as AI.

Finding someone who has never heard of AI will be challenging today. AI has been utilized in the education industry over the last few years. Now, AI-based education tools are considered the blue ocean of the education market.

According to Metaari, Global Education Market Research Institute, the use of educational and programmable robots will grow by 44.6% in the Edutech industry. AI-based education is also expected to grow at a rate of 41.9%. In addition, the AI-based education market is predicted to grow 32.8% by 2026. The projected sales sum to 34.9 billion dollars, quadrupling the current sales. As the market continues to expand, learners and educators are starting to recognize the benefits of AI. AI optimizes the entire process of learning and teaching, benefiting both learners and educators. Many studies have shown that educators believe technology should be a core component of education.

Elementary and secondary educational institutes also invested in AI-based education tools despite adapting Edtech later than universities and corporations. In Korea, the Ministry of Education promotes AI-based education as an initiative called the “K-Edu Platform.” Their primary goal is to develop the “K-Edu Platform” by 2024 and utilize it for elementary and secondary curriculums by 2025. In addition, every year, 38 graduate Schools of Education train 1000 students pursuing a master’s degree in AI Convergence to become professional instructors, preparing them for the future of education.

How is AI Changing the Education Industry?

One of the most fundamental elements of AI-based education is personalized learning support. AI automatically creates and provides appropriate content catered to each student’s learning tendencies and results. AI utilizes data mining, the basis of learning analytics, to analyze vast amounts of big data using statistical rules, algorithms, and patterns. The ultimate goal is to provide the appropriate lectures and personalized content that maximize learning outcomes.

Unfortunately, the outdated virtual curriculum has led to educational gaps in society. Local governments are trying to resolve this problem by using a “customized education platform.” AI creates an efficient learning environment through its customized support, including assistance with analyzing statistical data to help learners understand specific concepts. Local governments provided an AI-learner called “Icecream Edu” to 150 students under the educational gap. The effect was striking: within the span of only three months, 47% of the students experienced improved educational results.

Lexalytics reports that primary to secondary education institutes have started utilizing various Edtech platforms. Popular Edtech platforms, such as McGraw Hill ALEKS, are known for their web-based, AI-based assessment and learning curriculum.

Instructors utilize AI-based automation to quickly and accurately complete tasks during class. For example, CLASSUM provides an AI-based service called “Dot.” A Dot is an AI teaching assistant who automatically finds out “frequently asked questions” and provides answers. Moreover, Toefl Bank uses AI-based automation to grade students’ work and provide feedback.

AI assistant provided by ‘CLASSUM’

The following table organizes the various applications of AI to education.

‘Application of AI in education’ adapted from Korea Institute of Curriculum and Evaluation in 2020

In conclusion, educators use AI to enhance the quality of and personalize students’ learning experiences. As a result, AI will soon become the standardized model for education.

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Karandish, David. “7 Benefits of AI in Education.” , June 23rd 2021

Kulkarni, Andrea. “Ai in Education: Where Is It Now and What Is the Future?” , September 6th, 2019

고민서, “AI 활용교육 年40%대 급성장…코로나發 학습격차 메운다”, <매일경제>, 2021.05.14

박세미, ““아이들 스스로 공부”… AI 맞춤형 교육 선도하는 지자체들”, <조선일보>, 2021.06.30

<한국교육과정평가원>, 「학교 교육에서 인공지능(AI)의 개념 및 활용」, 2020

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