My first memory of CLASSUM goes back to a few months ago.
I was rolling around in my bed when I got a call from my friend at university, who pulled out a very random question.
“Sehyun, do you know CLASSUM?”
Having never heard of it before, I tilted my head and answered “no” in a sullen manner.
He then asked me again:
“Have you never found it difficult to ask questions at school? Did you manage to ask all the questions you wanted to?” and briefly introduced me to how CLASSUM can help.
Once again, my reaction was as lukewarm as it could be.
I did not consider myself a shy person, afraid of asking questions in class, nor was I the type of person who always had questions to ask.
Following the call, my friend sent me a link to the video of their CEO Lynn explaining what motivated her to found the company, and that’s when CLASSUM first grabbed my attention.
It started with a vague sense of aspiration. A mixture of aspiration and fascination that someone my age had already founded her own company.
After watching all other introductory videos about CLASSUM and thoroughly going through their website, my aspiration progressed to a sense of revelation.
“This is it; this is what I was looking for”.
I said earlier to my friend that asking questions was not a concern for me.
However, it occurred to me that perhaps I had been rationalizing myself.
In fact, I had plenty of questions to ask, but the process was so uncomfortable and frustrating, to the extent that I ended up persuading myself that the questions were of little importance.
It gave me a chance to look back at the dissatisfaction I experienced while dealing with my questions during term time. I remembered the times when:
I gave up asking questions to the reader following a lecture, because the queue in front of me was too long.
I held back my question after hesitating during the entire modern philosophy class lecture because I feared my question would sound too stupid.
I had to scroll up for ages in the group chat before asking my question, to check whether the question had already been asked and if that question had already been answered.
I never managed to post my math questions on the Moodle forum because even after spending ages to learn how to write equations with MathLab, there always seemed to be an error with my formula.
After looking back at myself, I felt the need of CLASSUM. I was able to relate to Lynn’s goal. I was convinced that this was not a problem of me alone, but one that my colleagues must have experienced before.
I wanted to be free from all the concerns I previously experienced when asking questions; I wanted to use CLASSUM at my university. And here I am, writing my first blog post as a campus ambassador of the University of Warwick.
CLASSUM is a communication tool for education used by institutions around the world, including Samsung, Hyundai, LG CNS, Shiseido, and KAIST.
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